Chatbot for Credit Union Websites

Meet Chip, the credit union chatbot. He initiates conversations with users and chats about your credit union’s products and services.

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Chat bot gif

Use Cases for Chip

There are probably endless ways to use Chip on your credit union website. Below are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Recommends Products & Services

Chip chats with visitors and asks questions, then recommend relevant products and services.

Guides Users Through a Journey

Chip guides members through a process such as an getting an auto loan or applying for membership.

Gives Tours of Your New Website

When you get a new website, Chip can be a tour guide for users to showcase all the cool new features.

Sends Targeted, Automated Emails

Chip can send targeted emails to users about the products or services they chatted about. (Coming)

Chat with Chip, Now

View the demo to chat with Chip, the credit union chatbot.

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Want Chip on your website?

You might want Chip for one of the use cases above. Or, you might have your own idea for a use case. Either way, let’s talk!

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