All Posts By

Derik Krauss

3 Ways to Waste Money on Your Credit Union Website—And 3 Ways to Spend it Wisely

By Credit Union Website Design, Personalization, SEO

Are you spending money appropriately on your credit union website design? Or are you throwing money around like a belligerent toddler throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks? Based on the latest and greatest research, here’s what will give you the most bang for your buck—and what’s probably a marina-coated waste of time.   Ways to Waste #1 Sliders…

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One Really Simple Way to Make Your Website More ADA Compliant

By ADA Compliance, Credit Union Website Design

Dreaming of the days you’ll be an ADA wizard? Want to get started now? If you can fix the link text on your website, you’ll have a compliance win that affects nearly every page.  Compliance is a big deal these days. Being more ADA compliant can protect your credit union from spendy lawsuits—it also demonstrates you are committed to accommodating…

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MAC Webinar: How to Double Your Website Leads

By Press

Thursday, October 17, 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST   The Marketing Association of Credit Unions and BloomCU present “How to Double Your Website Leads”.   About the Webinar Your credit union wants more members and borrowers, but your website isn’t helping—even though thousands of people visit it every month. In this webinar, you’ll get insights that have helped other…

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How to Combine Website Search with SilverCloud and Delight Your Members

By Knowledge Base, Site Search

  Your credit union’s contact center gets inundated with questions: “What’s my routing number?” “How do I reset my password?” “How do I send a wire transfer?” That’s why a knowledge base of questions and answers (Q&As) can be helpful. By building up your Q&As, people can get the info they’re looking for without contacting the credit union. Furthermore, many knowledge…

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Why you shouldn’t put credit cards under “Loans” on your website

By Navigation, Research

  If consumers can’t find what they’re looking for on your website, then they will likely go somewhere else. That’s why research-based navigation is crucial for your credit union website design. Based on some counterintuitive research findings, I’d guess you probably have credit cards in the wrong spot. If you pick a credit union website at random, you’ll likely find…

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7 copywriting principles that will seriously improve your credit union website design

By Copywriting

  Your website is your most important branch. It gets more visitors than any of your physical locations, and it’s where your younger members will most likely go first. That’s why it’s essential that every aspect is in perfect shape. Not only should you have a beautiful, conversion-friendly aesthetic, but you should have good copy as well. What makes good…

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