All Posts By

Derik Krauss

Why Educating is Better than Promoting

By Credit Union Website Design

Credit unions have websites because they want people to deposit and borrow money. But why do people want things like savings accounts and loans in the first place? Everyone is seeking for something; and for most people, that “something” is happiness. We all strive for things we believe will make us happy. For instance, I believe that being kind to…

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How to be more authentic on your credit union website

By Credit Union Website Design, Design

A study by the Boston Consulting Group discovered that authenticity is one of the top qualities that attracts consumers to a brand. Authenticity is deeply important to credit unions. People often turn to credit unions because they are tired of big, inhuman banks that treat them like sheeple (shee·ple, noun: people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily…

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How to Position Your Brand and Win More Members

By Credit Union Website Design

Dave Power, CEO of Perkins School for the Blind, and professor of business at Harvard Extension School, calls the positioning statement, “the most critical element of company strategy.” It’s quite the assertion, but nailing your positioning statement really can help you connect with your potential members in a way that nothing else can. Most credit unions struggle to position their…

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