You see testimonials all over the internet. Maybe one testimonial has an eagerly smiling picture next to it. Maybe another declares a product to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Many of the newest and sleekest credit union website designs employ testimonials (example: has testimonials all over the place). And there’s a reason for it: studies show testimonials persuade people…
Four key principles of trust for credit union web design They say in relationships if you don’t have trust, you don’t have anything. This is good advice for anyone, but especially for credit unions. In your line of work, trust is essential. If you’re going to persuade potential members to choose you over bigger, more established banks, they have to…
Love it or hate it, your credit union website should be compliant with ADA regulations. Below is a checklist to make compliance easy for you. ADA Compliance Checklist Images have alternate text that can be read by screen reader software. Recorded video content includes captions. Video or audio-only content is accompanied by text transcript or description. Links are provided to media players…
If you build it, they will come. This is the prevailing philosophy behind corn field baseball ghosts and credit union website design. Unfortunately, there’s no clever motto from a beloved cinematic classic that explains how to turn website visitors into customers. Luckily, there is a time-tested model of consumer behavior that can help you make sense of your customers’…
Imagine a website so intelligent it could understand all your financial goals and give you the optimal advice you need to accomplish them. Does that sound like science fiction? Well, artificial intelligence (AI) is making sci fi reality for credit union website designs. Artificial intelligence enables machines to interact with humans in ways that mimic human communication and understanding. In…
I vividly remember the first and only time I met a hoarder. I’m not talking about the garden-variety hoarder like me who saves all the sauces I get from fast food restaurants because I never know when I’ll need some Chic-fil-A Sauce. Nor am I talking about a hoarder like my wife who has a hard time letting go of…
For the past few years, the debate on the Internet has raged on. Which is superior: “mobile-first” design or “desktop-first” design. In the last few years, “element-first” design has also stepped forth as a contender. At first it seems like a clear-cut issue: which option will bring the best overall results? But the reality is far more nuanced. In this…
I recently had a conversation about chatbots with a credit union marketer named Kevin. After our conversation, I sent him an email that shows three ways chatbots are being used and five examples. I want to share my email because it has valuable information for anyone ready to embrace this Internet-changing technology. Here’s the email: Hey Kevin! I’ve been thinking a…
Sometimes people ask, “Is WordPress secure for credit union websites?” The short answer is, “Yes.” However, the short answer needs to be backed up by a long answer—that is to say, backed up by evidence. BloomCU has spent considerable time putting together the long answer to that security question, which is our WordPress Security White Paper. Our WordPress Security White Paper contains a…
This is a real life story of a meeting with HFS FCU. Through the eyes of BloomCU cofounder, Derik Krauss, see how we created a vision for HFS FCU’s new credit union website design. I recently got an email from Ashley at HFS Federal Credit Union. In the email was an agreement signed by her CEO, Nate, saying BloomCU is going to…
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