All Posts By

Lauren McNeely

How to improve the conversion rate of your credit union website

By conversion rate optimization

In our previous article, we determined that the success of your website is determined by its conversion rate. So what if you’ve done the calculations and are less than impressed with the results?  We’ve got three words for you: Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). By focusing on this process, you can influence your conversion rate in the right direction and encourage…

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What is the job of your credit union website?

By Credit Union Website Design

What is the job of your website? While the answer may appear obvious, it’s important that you examine this crucial question through the specific lens of the buyer’s journey. Each and every prospective credit union member takes that path before hopefully choosing you, and you need to make sure your website is playing its role well during this journey. Let’s…

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How to experience your credit union website through the eyes of your user

By conversion rate optimization, Credit Union Website Design

“Put yourself in the customer’s shoes.” “Create a compelling customer experience.” “Make it easy for them.” While all very valid, do you ever sit staring at your credit union website wondering how to put advice like this into practice? Obviously you didn’t set out to build a website that provides a poor or difficult customer experience. In your eyes, your…

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9 Tips for Writing CTAs that Inspire the Right Action

By Copywriting, Design

Calls to action (CTAs) are prime real estate when it comes to your credit union website. In fact, more than 90% of visitors who read your headline also read your CTA copy—with that many potential eyes, it’s crucial that you write compelling CTAs that inspire action.  Your CTA is an invitation for your customers to take a certain action, whether…

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Everything You Need to Know About Translating Your Credit Union Website

By Personalization, Website

According to an article by MasterWord, studies show that when people are making major decisions (including those regarding financial matters), they are usually more comfortable in their first language, even if they can understand English sufficiently in everyday matters. In fact, 72.1% of consumers spend most or all of their time on websites in their own language, and 72.4% say…

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The What, Why, and How of Authentic Images

By Blogging, Design

Marketing Experiments conducted an A/B test on authentic images vs stock images by testing an authentic photo of the client against a top-performing stock photo on one of the client’s websites. The web page with the real photo had a nearly 35% higher conversion rate than the page with the stock photo.  We’ve always known a picture is worth a…

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How less content on your website can mean more growth for your credit union 

By Blogging, Copywriting, SEO

Ten seconds—it’s the amount of time it takes you to tie your shoes, send a text, or, if you’re Usain Bolt, run 100m. Unfortunately, it’s also how long you have to capture the attention of a visitor to your credit union website before they lose interest (with maybe 5-10 seconds to spare if they’re feeling particularly generous).  In other words,…

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