Everyone is looking for something to complete them. Some are searching for the perfect partner. Some just want the perfect job or the perfect pet. And some people, somewhere out there, are searching for their dream financial institution. You and your future members could be a match made in heaven, but first, they need to find you. That’s where search…
Have you ever been lost? Maybe you left Google Maps behind for a day. Maybe you were in a foreign country. Being lost, even for just a few minutes, is unsettling. You start to second guess yourself. If you’re lost long enough, you’d give anything for a good set of directions. When you design the navigation for your credit union…
If a stranger walked up to you on the street and asked you for your name, email, home address, and phone number, would you answer them? Asking for people’s information is a big request. Your website probably has plenty of forms used to generate leads and applications. By default, people are wary of giving out their information, so you need…
Credit unions have websites because they want people to deposit and borrow money. But why do people want things like savings accounts and loans in the first place? Everyone is seeking for something; and for most people, that “something” is happiness. We all strive for things we believe will make us happy. For instance, I believe that being kind to…
Why do you spend thousands of dollars on credit union website design? Because you want website visitors to become depositors and borrowers. But if you want people to take action, your calls to action (CTAs) have to be persuasive. That’s why we put together this handy list of six tips: so you can improve your CTAs and reap the rewards…
A study by the Boston Consulting Group discovered that authenticity is one of the top qualities that attracts consumers to a brand. Authenticity is deeply important to credit unions. People often turn to credit unions because they are tired of big, inhuman banks that treat them like sheeple (shee·ple, noun: people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily…
You can learn how to improve your credit union website design in mere seconds with a Five Second Test. A Five Second Test asks visitors what information they can determine after viewing a page of your website after just five seconds. The user’s goal, in this short frame of time, is to be able to answer these three questions. What is the…
Dave Power, CEO of Perkins School for the Blind, and professor of business at Harvard Extension School, calls the positioning statement, “the most critical element of company strategy.” It’s quite the assertion, but nailing your positioning statement really can help you connect with your potential members in a way that nothing else can. Most credit unions struggle to position their…
You want to show off your financial products, but how you do so makes a big difference. All marketing copy is not created equal, and there’s more to it than just making sure you avoid pesky grammar issues and spelling mistakes. In particular, the copy on your credit union site has a big impact on your public perception. Your website…

Credit unions constantly run promotions on their websites, but they usually do it wrong. Marketers need to tell members about deals, sell them loans, and encourage them to open accounts. However, most credit unions treat promotions like a game of Yahtzee: just roll out a promotion and hope you get a full house. Instead of rolling the dice, a better…
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