
ADA Compliance

One Really Simple Way to Make Your Website More ADA Compliant

By ADA Compliance, Credit Union Website Design

Dreaming of the days you’ll be an ADA wizard? Want to get started now? If you can fix the link text on your website, you’ll have a compliance win that affects nearly every page.  Compliance is a big deal these days. Being more ADA compliant can protect your credit union from spendy lawsuits—it also demonstrates you are committed to accommodating…

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How to Make PDFs ADA Compliant

By ADA Compliance

A couple weeks ago, we discussed how to make the blog posts ADA compliant. In this post, we’ll discuss how to do the same for the PDFs on your credit union website. Addressing compliance issues on PDFs can be complicated. We’ll address a few possible strategies for meeting compliance standards when it comes to PDFs. Keep in mind that the…

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ADA Compliance Checklist for Credit Union Websites

By ADA Compliance

Love it or hate it, your credit union website should be compliant with ADA regulations. Below is a checklist to make compliance easy for you.   ADA Compliance Checklist Images have alternate text that can be read by screen reader software. Recorded video content includes captions. Video or audio-only content is accompanied by text transcript or description. Links are provided to media players…

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