According to an article by MasterWord, studies show that when people are making major decisions (including those regarding financial matters), they are usually more comfortable in their first language, even if they can understand English sufficiently in everyday matters. In fact, 72.1% of consumers spend most or all of their time on websites in their own language, and 72.4% say…
Are you spending money appropriately on your credit union website design? Or are you throwing money around like a belligerent toddler throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks? Based on the latest and greatest research, here’s what will give you the most bang for your buck—and what’s probably a marina-coated waste of time. Ways to Waste #1 Sliders…
When it comes to credit union website design, there are a lot of questions. What’s the best way to promote things on the website? How can you make the site ADA compliant? Should you put up pictures of Selena Gomez, in hopes of attracting more millenials? Here’s another one that always stirs debate: “Should you put the online banking login…
Most credit union websites are one-size-fits-all experiences: one experience is designed for all visitors. But that approach inevitably leads to irrelevant interactions with website users because each individual is unique, and people visit credit union websites for hundreds of different reasons. What makes more sense is to create a credit union website design that adapts for each visitor based on…
First impressions matter. If people got past first impressions quickly, then Pride and Prejudice would be a short story, not a 300+ page novel. Job interviews wouldn’t feel so stressful, and we’d all probably forget that horrible date we went on one time. But first impressions tend to linger. On your credit union website, you only have one chance to…
At some point in every marketer’s career, they find themselves in the alluring shadow of a very hairy question, “Should I build this tool myself?” After all, the problem you need to solve is simple, right? It couldn’t take more than a couple days to build it yourself, right? At BloomCU, we’ve built lots of things in-house: websites, payment calculators…
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