Most credit union websites are one-size-fits-all: one experience is designed for all visitors. But that approach leads to irrelevant interactions because each of your visitors is unique.
People visit your website for many different reasons, so what makes more sense is to adapt your site based on data about each user. That’s what personalization technology does, automatically. So, if someone visits your auto loan page, then your website will remember that interaction and show them more stuff about auto loans.
Personalization is simple, it just makes sense. And it can increase engagement with your website by 213%. That’s the impact HFS Federal Credit Union is getting from personalization on their website.
Case Study with HFSFCU:
Our case study with HFSFCU shows an example of personalization and the results we got from an A/B test with over 296,000 pageviews across five different products and services.
Get the case study, start using Persona, and grow your credit union.