Sometimes people ask, “Is WordPress secure for credit union websites?” The short answer is, “Yes.” However, the short answer needs to be backed up by a long answer—that is to say, backed up by evidence. BloomCU has spent considerable time putting together the long answer to that security question, which is our WordPress Security White Paper.


Our WordPress Security White Paper contains a lot of nitty gritty details that credit unions, particularly IT people, want to know. Here’s a just a small sample of what you’ll find in the white paper:

  • How to securely use WordPress plugins
  • How to maintain access control
  • How to prevent and fix software vulnerabilities
  • How to monitor security threats
  • How to secure sensitive data

As we add more information to the white paper, updates will be shown in real-time (because the white paper is maintained in a Google Doc). At the time of this post, the white paper has 21 pages of juicy security details to satisfy even your geekiest friend in the IT department 😉



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